What are the Signs of a Professionally Installed Residential Solar Panel System?

Residential Solar Panel System

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Solar power is becoming incredibly popular, and while this means that solar equipment will become even more affordable and powerful due to demand, it also means that the number of potentially unqualified residential solar panel system installers is growing too.

If you have recently had a solar system installed and are having second thoughts about who you chose to install it, there are some signs that you can look for that will indicate whether the system was installed by a professional or not. We’re going to take a look at some of those signs here, as well as what to do if you think that your solar panel system was installed poorly.

Signs of a Professionally Installed Residential Solar Panel System

There are many signs that your residential solar panel system was installed by a professional, but there are some signs that are going to be more common than others. Some will also be much easier for the homeowner to notice without climbing up on the roof.

High-Quality Equipment

Using the best equipment available is one of the key indicators of a professional job. Black-on-black panels give a more uniform appearance, as opposed to the more checkerboard or gridded appearance of the black panels with silver frames. This is one of the most common and obvious signs that your solar installation was not completed in a professional manner.

Low-Profile System

Having a low-profile system is also a good indicator that proper equipment was used. The system should be close to the surface of the roof, while still allowing air circulation to help cool the panels and the roof. Poor installations will show one of two extremes with the installation, either it will be too low and will pose a potential fire hazard, or it will be too high and may face damage from wind.

Flat & Even Installation

Another sign of a professional installation that is relatively easy to spot is that the panels are all even and that there are no uneven or “wavy” portions of the installation. Not only is this important for the overall aesthetic, but it’s important for the functionality as well. An uneven installation will be less efficient at capturing the solar energy, and the panels may also suffer from premature failure due to poor installation.

Good Wire Management

One of the lesser-known signs of a truly professional installation is attractive and tidy wire management. Solar panels may need service one day, and if the wires are unkempt and disorganized, it can take longer to troubleshoot the issue. Having good wire management makes a clean and finished appearance as well if the wires are seen.

Correct Safety Hazard Labeling

Another sign that the installation was performed by a trusted professional is the correct labeling for electrocution hazard components. Your solar installation creates and transports massive amounts of power, and that power can be a hazard if not treated appropriately.

Barrett Solar Can Be Your Trusted Local Solar Panel Installer

Whether you have a solar system already installed and have noticed that it shows a few items on our list, or if you simply want to make sure that your new system is installed properly and professionally from day one, Barrett is ready to be your solar partner. Even if you are still on the fence and need more information, reach out today and chat with one of our local residential solar panel system experts.

Do solar panels require maintenance?

Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little to no maintenance for the 25 to 35 years that they will generate power. In most cases, you don’t even need to clean your solar panels. You can let the rain or snow take care of that for you. If something does happen, you will have manufacturer warranties on all equipment installed by Barrett Solar.

What Solar rebates and incentives are available In Kansas?

Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. In Kansas the largest incentive available is the 26% federal investment tax credit (ITC) which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates and other incentives. If you are a business in a rural area or a farmer, the USDA offers grants as well.

What Solar rebates and incentives are available In Missouri?

Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. In Missouri the largest incentive available is the 26% federal investment tax credit (ITC) which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates and other incentives. Evergy in Missouri, Columbia power and Ameren have notable rebates available. If you are a business owner in a rural area or a farmer, the USDA offers grants as well.

What are my solar financing options?

Barrett Solar offers two options to finance your solar panel system. You can purchase your system in cash or take advantage of our zero down, low APR financing options. We have a lot of different options to choose from. 

What happens if my solar panels are damaged with hail or by a large storm?

Generally it takes very large hail or a major storm to damage your solar panel system. After you go solar you will want to make sure your homeowners insurance policy has enough coverage to replace any of your panels that may be damaged in a heavy storm.

How much do solar panels cost?

The cost of a solar panel system will depend on many factors, including the size of the system, the equipment, and the financing method. A solar panel system should be viewed as a major home upgrade, and because every home is different it is never good to base an idea of what something should cost off a ballpark figure found on the internet. Barrett Solar offers completely free no obligation solar proposals, and in most cases we can give you an accurate quote with just your historical energy usage data.

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Tyler Blanchard

Founder & CEO

Tyler is the CEO of Barrett Solar.


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