20 Reasons to Switch to Solar Energy

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Why Switch To Solar Energy? Here’s 20 Reasons

So, you’re wondering why switch to solar energy, huh? Good question! This article about the 20 reasons to switch to solar energy will prove why.

Residential solar energy is one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States economy with good reason, and it isn’t slowing down any time soon. In fact, the solar market is growing at such a rapid pace that a new solar panel system is installed every four minutes.

But you might still be wondering, “Why switch to solar energy? Why is solar growing so quickly? What benefits to other people see that I might be missing?”

Well, I’m glad you asked. To help you determine whether switching to solar energy is the right move for you, I’ve compiled a quick list of the 20 best reasons that you should make the switch to solar… Yesterday.

1. It Will Save You TENS of Thousands of Dollars

What if I told you that switching to solar wouldn’t just help you reduce your carbon footprint and the yearly check you send to good ‘ol Uncle Sam, but that it could actually save you enough money to:

Buy a brand new BMW 1 series
Pay for your child’s wedding
Travel the world for 6+ months
Put a down payment on a $150,000 home
That’d be pretty cool, right? Well, according to One Block Off the Grid, investing in solar panels can bring in a monthly savings of well over $100. If you were to extend this savings over the period of two decades (significantly less than the length of the average solar panel warranty) this translates to more than $30,000 in savings. Enough to do any of the items listed above (and then some)

2. You Can Start Saving IMMEDIATELY

The most common objection that I hear from homeowners from Missouri and Kansas City who are considering making the switch to solar is that the new panels are simply, “Too expensive”. And I get it. Solar panels aren’t an inexpensive investment. However, there are numerous government subsidized “Pay as you go” financing option that allow you to get all of the savings and benefits of solar energy, without having to pay upfront.

As of June 2013, more than 75% of all American homes have access to easy financing options for their solar installation. While we always recommend paying in cash if possible, the simplicity of the pay-as-you-go option makes solar affordable for everyone.

3. Enjoy a FAST ROI

T. If you opt to pay for your solar system up front, you won’t have to wait long before you recoup your initial investment. For example, in Hawaii, it takes the average homeowner only 60 months before the monthly savings in electricity costs pay off the entire price tag of their new solar system.

Just for the record, that’s HALF as long as it would take you to double an investment in the stock market with an average rate of return! Read on to learn why switch to solar energy is so important!

4. Endless Tax incentives that Will Save You Books of Cash

No one wants to send Uncle Sam a penny more than is absolutely necessary. And when you invest in solar, you gain access to a unique set of tax incentives that will dramatically reduce the amount you owe to your greedy uncle each year.

For starters, you will get 30% of the total solar system costs (both equipment and installation), meaning that you would save $7,500 on a $25,000 solar system. When you combine this with local and state rebates and Solar Renewable Energy Credits, the total cost is quickly cut in half.

However, as the multitude of infomercials have warned you, “Act fast because this special offer won’t last long!”. No, seriously. Tax laws change on a quarterly basis and there’s no guarantee that these incentives will be available over the next few years so make the jump while you still can.

5. You Can Dramatically Increase the Value of Your Home

According to a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, homes with solar panels, on average, sell 20% and for 17% more money than homes without them.

To put this into perspective, this means that, if you own a home currently valued at $200,000, you could sell your home in less than 52 days for more than $234,000. Not a bad deal is it?

6. You Are Protecting the Environment and Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Yes, the #1 benefit that pushes most homeowners to switch to solar is the financial incentive. However, it’s worth pointing out that switching to solar energy isn’t just good for your wallet, but also the environment.

Whether you’re a hardcore conservative or staunch liberal, I think we can all agree that we have a responsibility to leave our planet better than we found it and make sure that our children and grandchildren get to enjoy our marvelous home for millennia to come. Making the switch to solar will help ensure that they can do just that.

7. Decrease US dependency on Foreign Oil

If you want to do your part to strengthen the American economy, increase employment, and ensure that we are no longer dependent on foreign entities for our energy (which is markedly bad idea), then switching to solar is the only option.

The U.S. currently relies on net imports for about 40% of the crude oil and petroleum products and the pace isn’t slowing down until more people make the switch to solar energy.

8. No More “Random” Utility Price Jumps

If you’ve owned a home for any appreciable amount of time, then you’ve inevitably been the victim of greedy energy companies “inexplicably” raising their prices and charging you an arm and a leg for your monthly energy use.

With solar panels, your energy costs will remain the same… Forever. .

9. Guaranteed Performance

Solar panel manufacturers include a 20- to 25-year warranty (also known as a performance guarantee) with their solar panels. The industry standard guarantees 80% performance after 25 years, and your solar panels will likely continue generating electricity for 35-40 years.

Considering that the average car costs more than a solar installation and comes with a warranty that’s only 25% as long, this seems like a pretty good deal to us. Read on for more reasons to switch to solar energy.

10. Switching to Solar is Easier than Ever Before

Shopping for the right solar installation services used to be a long and arduous process. You could reasonably expect to spend weeks just finding the right company and several more weeks negotiating prices and finalizing the installation.

Luckily, those days are long behind us and making the switch to solar has never been easier. With our team of solar consultants to help you sort through your options, you can find the best solar solution for your home in no time flat.

Oh, and did we mention that the consultation is free? No obligation, no hassle, no garbage!.

Shopping for solar used to be a long and complicated process. There are hundreds of solar companies in the U.S. alone. It would take you weeks to find the best solar deal. Luckily things have changed.

11. Solar Prices Have Never Been Lower

Since 2010, the price to install a set of solar panels has dropped by… wait for it… More than 70%!

That’s the equivalent of buying a brand new Lexus RCF for only $19,800.

12. No More Power Outages from Bad Weather

With the slew of hurricanes smashing into the East coast, we’ve seen how fickle and unpredictable traditional energy sources can be. In some areas, power outages from inclement weather can last more than 2-weeks!

However, with the proper battery storage system, you’ll still have power even when the utility company’s grid goes down. While your neighbors crawl around in the dark trying to find a flashlight, you’ll be cozily sat on your couch watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

13. Solar Panels Are Highly Versatile

You can go as big or small as you want. With solar energy there are no “rules”. You don’t have to install them on your roof and they don’t have to cover your entire home. As long as you have a location with access to direct sunlight, you’re good to go!

14. You’re Leading By Example and Becoming a “Founding Member” of a National Movement

By choosing to invest in solar energy, you’re serving your community and our planet (not to mention your budget). The more panels that are installed, the more homeowners will hop on the bandwagon and join the movement for a cleaner and brighter tomorrow.

15. You’re Creating More Jobs

This is one of the most important reasons to switch to solar power. Nearly 250,000 Americans work in solar – more than double the number in 2012 – at more than 9,000 companies in every U.S. state. When you make the switch to solar, you’re supporting your local economy and encouraging job growth during these tumultuous economic times. There’s still a few more reasons to switch to solar energy.

16. With Solar, Energy Maintenance is a Thing of the Past

With few moving parts and highly durable designs, solar panels are virtually maintenance free and will ensure that you can enjoy clean and renewable energy without any hassle or headache.

17. Access to Energy Anytime You Need It

Switching to solar doesn’t mean that you’ll only have energy during the day. Due to the innovative battery systems that come standard equipped when you make the switch to solar, you’ll have consistent and reliable energy even during those rainy and dark days.

18. The Tax Credits Won’t Last Forever

The US has extended the current tax incentive until 2020 but there’s no telling what comes next. Now is THE time to switch to solar energy and, if you wait much longer, the price could jump dramatically.

19. Solar Is Not Going Away

Guess what? You are going to be FORCED to switch to solar sometime in the future whether you want to or not. Our oil reserves are decreasing every year and the most conservative estimates suggest that we will only have enough oil to last another 55 years (assuming that we don’t increase our consumption).

This means that it’s entirely possible solar energy will be mandatory during your lifetime. So stay ahead of the curve and make the switch now while there are still incentives and opportunities to save!

There you have it! 20 reasons why you should go Solar Today! Here at Mountain Range Solar we have made it easier than ever.

20. Qualify Your Property in Minutes

The process to qualify starts by speaking with one of our experts and providing them with important information such as your property address and your current energy usage.

Once we understand your energy needs we can provide a full estimate of costs, outline your savings potential and provide you with financing options! Click here to get started!

Let’s Start The Process on Your Solar Installation!

Now is THE time to switch to solar energy partner with Barrett Solar, one of the best solar companies in Kansas City and Missouri helping homeowners save money from energy bills while earning solar rebates and tax incentives.


Do solar panels require maintenance?

Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little to no maintenance for the 25 to 35 years that they will generate power. In most cases, you don’t even need to clean your solar panels. You can let the rain or snow take care of that for you. If something does happen, you will have manufacturer warranties on all equipment installed by Barrett Solar.

What Solar rebates and incentives are available In Kansas?

Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. In Kansas the largest incentive available is the 26% federal investment tax credit (ITC) which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates and other incentives. If you are a business in a rural area or a farmer, the USDA offers grants as well.

What Solar rebates and incentives are available In Missouri?

Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. In Missouri the largest incentive available is the 26% federal investment tax credit (ITC) which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your solar energy system from your taxes. Certain municipalities and utilities also offer cash rebates and other incentives. Evergy in Missouri, Columbia power and Ameren have notable rebates available. If you are a business owner in a rural area or a farmer, the USDA offers grants as well.

What are my solar financing options?

Barrett Solar offers two options to finance your solar panel system. You can purchase your system in cash or take advantage of our zero down, low APR financing options. We have a lot of different options to choose from. 

What happens if my solar panels are damaged with hail or by a large storm?

Generally it takes very large hail or a major storm to damage your solar panel system. After you go solar you will want to make sure your homeowners insurance policy has enough coverage to replace any of your panels that may be damaged in a heavy storm.

How much do solar panels cost?

The cost of a solar panel system will depend on many factors, including the size of the system, the equipment, and the financing method. A solar panel system should be viewed as a major home upgrade, and because every home is different it is never good to base an idea of what something should cost off a ballpark figure found on the internet. Barrett Solar offers completely free no obligation solar proposals, and in most cases we can give you an accurate quote with just your historical energy usage data.

Author picture

Tyler Blanchard

Founder & CEO

Tyler is the CEO of Barrett Solar.

There Has Never Been a Better Time to Go Solar

Get the perfect system for your home or business by the energy experts at Barrett Solar.